Reproducible Environments with Docker

Wesley Banfield


  1. The need for reproducible computing
  2. What is Docker?
  3. Running your first container
  4. Building your first container
  5. Publishing your container
  6. Using Volumes
  7. Using Docker Compose
  8. Best Practices
  9. Creating a Github Repository
  10. Alternatives

The need for reproducible computing

Baker 2016, Nature

How can we distribute code?

  • scripts, notebooks, NbViewer
  • Github, Bitbucket, GitLab, etc.


  • Read Only / Cached Version / Can't change data
  • Variations in code environment → different results or crashes
  • Code version in repo different to current version → Not the same as article

What is Docker?

  • Docker is a containerization (virtualisation) tool
  • Think of it as a virtual machine
  • Docker has :
    • images: equivalent to an iso used to create a virtual machine for instance
    • containers: and instance of an image, multiple containers can be based/run of from the same image

Running your first container

$ docker run -i -t ubuntu /bin/bash

Building your first container

Create a notebook

In this example we are going to use a dummy notebook to show how to create reprodiucible figures. Please bear in mind that this is only a demo you can do the same steps with other notebooks OR code.

Download the following notebook locally: Click to Download and put it into a src folder.


Download the following data locally: Click to Download and put it into a Data Folder

Specifying the environment

Look inside the notebook and find the external libraries. Put these into a requirements.txt file.

In the file above we are only "freezing" the libraries we use and not their dependancies.
Be as specific as possible with the versions

Specifying the environment

This "freezes" everything in the environment even libraries that aren't used, it can cause problems if certain packages are no longer available.
$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
$ conda list --export > spec-file.txt
$ conda env export > environment.yml

Recreating the environment

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ conda create --name myenv --file spec-file.txt
$ conda env create -f environment.yml

Additional Files

Creating the Dockerfile - Choosing the base image

FROM jupyter/scipy-notebook

Creating the Dockerfile - Copying Data

COPY Data /home/jovyan/work/data
COPY requirements.txt /home/jovyan/work/requirements.txt
COPY demo_notebook /home/jovyan/work/

Recreating the environment

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ conda create --name myenv --file spec-file.txt
$ conda env create -f environment.yml

Putting it all together

FROM jupyter/scipy-notebook
COPY requirements.txt /home/jovyan/work/requirements.txt
RUN pip install -r /home/jovyan/work/requirements.txt
COPY demo_notebook.ipynb /home/jovyan/work/
COPY Data /home/jovyan/work/data
Each Command is a "layer" for quick development place code that doesn't change towards the start of the file

Building the image

$ docker build -t my-notebook .

Running the image

$ docker run -it -p 8888:8888 my-notebook
We use -it to run the container interactively
We use -p to bind the jupyter port to the host port 8888

Publishing the image


  • Create a Docker Hub account
  • Optionally create a Docker Hub Organization (ceregecl exists) Orgs page
  • tag the image with org/image-name if organization else leave it as is

Using Volumes (advanced)

A Volume is a directory that can be shared between containers and the host (think of it as a USB plugged into a Virtual Machine).


  • Containers aren't persistent so this can be used to save data to the local harddrive (think figures)
  • You can load new data into the container by copying it to the volume
$ docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -v $PWD/results:/home/jovyan/work/results my-notebook
Local paths need to be full absolute paths (we use $PWD to get local directory)

Using Docker Compose

One file to build all the containers (if multiple) and hold run commands

Best Practices

  • Link to Repository directly and obtain a DOI for the repository.
  • Publish the image to a Docker Hub repository and provide link.
  • Organize your research
    • Code
    • Notebooks
    • Data
    • Results
    • License + Requirements + Dockerfile +

Creating a Github Repository

  • Go to
  • Top right click on the plugin
  • Choose a name
  • Add Readme
  • Choose a License
  • Click Create Repository

Working locally

$ git clone
This can also be found on the repository website under the code button
Make local changes then to see the changes:
$ git status
To add all the local changes
$ git add *
To create a commit
$ git commit -m "YOUR COMMIT MESSAGE"
To push to the remote repository (update the server)
$ git push
